The official website for the Monroe Bible Quiz Team from Beacon Hill Evangelical Free Church.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Statue of Liberty Trip Details

This coming Saturday, after the Quiz Meet in Cresskill on Matthew 1-7, we will be traveling to see the Statue of Liberty!  Here are the key details:

Meet at the Church:  7:00 AM
Cost:  $17 for the Ferry (We'll be taking it from the NJ side.)
Lunch:  Bring your own bag lunch to eat in the van or on the Ferry
Pickup Time Back at the Church:  TBD.  It will depend on the Ferry Schedule and Traffic.  We recommend teens call from the van when we cross the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Other details:

  • We'll pass thru a metal detector to get on the Ferry.  Leave pocket knives, etc. at home! (Cameras and cell phones are fine.)
  • It is very windy on the Ferry, please bring a jacket even if it is warm inland.
  • We'll be taking a Ranger Tour once we get onto the island.
  • Wear a red top for team colors.  Team t-shirts will be handed out on Saturday morning.

Quiz Team Liberty Island Trip October 14, 2006 - 47