Over the last month or so, several topics came up in practice that I didn't have time to address during our short hour together. I promised that I would get back to you on them, but it's probably too much to discuss during the next practice. So, here is a quick write-up for you here, instead.
We discussed a few days back that the days of the week are named for old pagan gods. The days were originally named for Greco-roman gods, but the Germans replaced them with their own, and English inherited this naming The question was asked why Christians kept pagan names? The answer was simple - convenience and that most people had forgotten the origins by the time English came around.
As requested, here's the listing of the origin of each name:
- Sunday: "The Sun's Day"
- Monday: "The Moon's Day"
- Tuesday: "Tyr's Day" (One-handed god associated with oaths)
- Wednesday: "Odin's Day" (Father of the norse pantheon)
- Thursday: "Thor's Day" (You've probably seen the movie)
- Friday: "Freya's Day" (Wife of Odin)
- Saturday: "Saturn's Day" (The only Roman god to remain in our calendar)