The official website for the Monroe Bible Quiz Team from Beacon Hill Evangelical Free Church.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


While the NIV tried to stay as close to "plain English" as possible, the ESV tries to stay as close as possible to the original text.  Paul had a large vocabulary, so this means that sometimes he uses words with which you may be unfamiliar.  This new weekly series will attempt to help you thru any difficult words by highlighting potentially unfamiliar terminology.  If there are additional words you need help with, please e-mail the coaches.

Romans 1 Vocabulary:

Apostle/Apostleship:  Apostle is from the Greek word apostolos, which means "one who is sent".  It is used in scripture for people who specially set apart to bring the gospel to the world, especially "the Twelve" but also including people like Paul and Barnabas.  "Apostleship"means "having the office of apostle". (Reference:  About.Com)

Barbarians:  In modern times, we think of "barbarian" meaning "savage" (like "Conan the Barbarian").  But in Biblical times, it means "anyone outside of the Roman Empire".  It was making fun of the languages of other peoples - especially Germanic tribes - whose words sounded like baby talk to the Greek and Latin-speaking Romans.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)

Futile:  Useless; ineffective; powerless; frivolous.  (Referenece:  Dictionary.Com)

Debased:  Lowered in quality or dignity.  Reduced in power or significance.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)

Malice:  Desire to inflict harm or injury on someone else.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)

Covetousness:  Greed.  Desiring wealth or possessions above all else.  (Reference: Dictionary.Com)

Strife:  Antagonism or rivalry.  Bitter conflict.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)

Slanderers:  People who make malicious and false statements about someone else.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)

Insolent:  Boldly rude or disrespectful.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)

Haughty:  Proud, snobbish, arrogant.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)

Ruthless:  Cruel; Without pity or compassion.  (Reference:  Dictionary.Com)